Rami Atar, Adam Shwartz
Class Hours: Monday 14:30-16:30
Office Hours: Monday 1:30-2:30, Wednesday 9:30-10:30, or by arrangement. Room 669.
This is one of my first courses on the Web, so please be patient. Comments are welcome.
At this point, you will find the following in this site. In this directory there is an index (the present file), and a directory with outlines of the lectures (as post-script or PDF files). The date in the name of the file indicates when it was processed: take the latest, as it includes all the material.
Note: some material which I distributed in class is not included. This includes copies I made for the class from various texts.
For your convenience, you can obtain here also the following preprints:
J.G. Dai, “On positive Harris recurrence of multiclass queueing networks: a unified approach via fluid limit models“, Annals Applied Prob. 5, pp. 49-77, 1995.
S.P. Meyn, “Transience of multiclass queueing networks via fluid limit models,” Annals Applied Prob. 5 pp. 946–957, 1995.
A. Budhiraja and P. Dupuis, “Simple necessary and sufficient conditions for the stability of constrained processes,” SIAM J. Applied Math. 1999.
Jan A. Van Mieghem, “Dynamic scheduling with convex delay costs: the generalized c $ \mu $ rule.” Annals of Applied Prob, 1995.