Dear author,
We prepared a LaTeX file with the basic defnitions and notation for the MDP book, as well as templates for two versions of LaTeX. The easiest way to read about our notation, conventions and definitions is to download one of the notation files: notation.dvi file, file or notation.pdf file.
This is not our introduction, and it is not in final form. However, we will keep the labels, so if you refer to them you will have a valid reference in the final version.
In addition, to see how this was produced, we suggest you also download the appropriate version of the source file notation.tex: we have one version for users of the new LaTeX2e, and another version for users of the older LaTeX (LaTeX 2.09?). If you run LaTeX on this file, you should produce 8 pages, including examples and notation.
Please use our definitions and style if at all possible.
This means using our notation and conventions, as specified in the Definitions file (notation.tex), as well our LaTeX definitions and constructs, such as the symbols (LaTeX commands for state space, action space, etc.), the “Proof” and “End of proof” style, etc., as specified in any of the LaTeX files we provide. This will allow us to edit the appearance of the book after all papers are submitted, and will result in a book that is easier to read.
We believe it would be easiest if you use the template file “template.tex” as your main file: it includes many definitions. Download the version for users of the new LaTeX2e, or the version for users of the older LaTeX, enter title of article/authors/abstract at the designated places and start writing! (Note: after we recieve the files, we will edit them so as to produce a book. in particular, the author names will be associated with the articles.) Please write author names and affiliations in the way you want them in the final version: we will adapt them to the standard format later, if necessary. Please read the instructions for the template file below.
Another option is simply to copy our definitions (from the appropriate template file) and write a paper in the usual “article” style of LaTeX. We will do the necessary changes when the paper is submitted in final form. This is more complicated for us.
Using the “index” command.
In the notation file we show how to use the “index” command, both for a standard entry, as well as for a sub-entry. This is not intended to be complete: just to show how to use it. Note that you will NOT SEE an index when you run LaTeX. If you want to see it:
1. Uncomment (remove the “%”) before the “\printindex” command
2. Run LaTeX as usual
3. Now give the command makeindex “filename”: here “filename” is the name of the file you are editing, WITHOUT the “.tex” extension.
4. Run LaTeX one more time. You will now see an index as the last page.
If the program reports errors related to the “index” or “makeindex” options, you can comment out lines 3,4 and uncomment line 5. In this case you can still enter indexing commands, but the program will not process them. The advantage is that we will be able to use them in our final editing.
Users of the New LaTeX (LaTeX2e):
If you encounter a problem running this LaTeX file, then you may be missing one of the standard packages (amsmath or amsfonts). In this case:
– Comment (put a % at the beginning of the line) the “\iftrue” statement, line 2 of the file,
– Uncomment (remove the % from the beginning of the line) the next line (3)
– Please CONTINUE using our symbols.
Feel free to contact Adam with any questions.
Best wishes,
The editors.